Types of Medical Wastes With Higher Infection Risk That Need Jupiter, Florida Disposal of Medical Waste

Jupiter, Florida disposal of medical waste is necessary due to the risk connected with this type of waste. However, most waste generated in hospitals and other health care facilities is no more dangerous to humans than household or office waste. Even when microorganisms are present in the waste, it’s usually the type that is not able to colonize humans, so is therefore relatively harmless to us.

However, that is not to say that Jupiter, Florida disposal of medical waste is not important, particularly when we talk about certain biomedical wastes that pose an elevated risk of infection such as:

  • Sharps
  • Microbiological waste
  • Pathological waste

Why is Sharps Waste Dangerous?

Sharps include any object used in health care to pierce or cut the skin, such as needles, scalpel blades, lancets, but also glassware. Due to their propensity to pierce skin, sharps are also very dangerous to anyone handling them as even the slightest cut or prick is enough to introduce harmful infectious materials into the person’s bloodstream.

As a result, those handling sharps are required to use protective equipment such as gloves, at all times. In addition, in order to cull the danger they pose, used and discarded sharps are immediately stored in special containers and then usually sent to treatment using a machine called an autoclave, which uses steam to sterilize them and turn sharps non-infectious.

Another way to reduce the risk of infection from sharps is to treat them the same way as pathological waste (sharps are typically considered infectious and hazardous waste), as this will diminish their infectivity.

Most states have very strict and detailed rules when it comes to treatment and removal of sharps waste and sharps containers. For instance, in some states, sharps must first be “blunted” (made non-sharp), while in some states it is required to completely make sharps unrecognizable (usually with a shredder). Also, when it comes to sharps containers, they have to be made of some material that won’t easily be punctured and the container itself shouldn’t leak and it must be clearly labeled that it contains medical waste.

Why is Microbiological Waste Dangerous?

As for microbiological waste, it includes mostly products from microbiology labs, so it’s not encountered in other health care facilities.

Despite this, microbiological or laboratory waste still poses a significant health hazard. This is because the microorganism colonies present here are specifically encouraged to grow in conditions that favor their development. As a result, microbiological wastes contain a greater concentration of pathogens than would be the case with other medical waste.

Why is Pathological Waste Dangerous?

Finally, pathological wastes (human organs, fluids or tissue) are also highly infective and require special care when it comes to Jupiter, Florida disposal of medical waste.

While most states allow pathological waste to be treated either via incineration or using an autoclave, some states (Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine, and Rhode Island in particular) only allow pathological waste to be destroyed using incineration, with no exception.

Are you looking for first-rate Jupiter, Florida disposal of medical waste? Make sure to visit Medical Waste Management (MWM) at https://medicalwastefl.com/, call our phone number 305-677-2343 or send us an email at [email protected] today and we’ll send you a FREE QUOTE!