How to Make Removal Sharps Containers Much Easier

Whether you are suffering from diabetes or similar disease and need to self-medicate on a regular basis, or you work in a hospital or other kind of medical facility where you are treating patients, removal sharps containers is obviously a skill that you ought to know.

Sharps, as you already know, are not like any other waste, be it household, general or office trash. Nor are they like the other medical waste. This is because, while other medical waste can be infectious and contaminated, sharps waste poses a double threat being both capable of injuring a person and at the same time infecting that person with whatever pathogen they are contaminated with. For this reason, removal sharps containers take an important place in any medical waste disposal business, medical facility but also in a household.

How to Choose Removal Sharps Containers?

First, let’s see how you can best choose removal sharps containers for your needs. For example, let’s say that you are using needles to self-medicate. In this case, you would need a smaller sharps container, which you can get in a local pharmacy store. Simply go there and ask the clerk if they have one and if they don’t he or she will be able to point you to where they do.

You can also go online to purchase one, but if you are using sharps more often, this may not be perfect as you’ll sometimes have to wait a couple of days for delivery and you should not leave discarded sharps just lying around.

If you are working in a health care facility, your best bet is to go to a medical supply center and purchase your sharps containers there, since pharmacies usually don’t have larger sizes available. Or, you can buy some on the Internet as well.

When choosing a sharps container, make sure that it has the following qualities:

  • Leak-proof
  • Puncture-resistant
  • Has a lid (or some other way of secure closing)
  • Is approved by the FDA

Now, you can get by with using some heavy-duty plastic containers you find in your household, like a bleach bottle, but this is generally not recommended and should only be used as a last solution.

How to Dispose of Your Sharps Containers

Once you have a proper sharps container and you get it full of sharps waste, you need to think about how to dispose of it.

First, though, make sure that it is properly labeled with a biohazard symbol. Typically, sharps containers already have this label if you buy them from one of the places I mentioned, but if you are using a different vessel, you should make a label yourself and attach it somehow to the outside of the container.

Now, you just need contact Medical Waste Management (MWM) Florida at, call 305-677-2343 or sent us an email at [email protected] and you can schedule quick and safe removal sharps containers done by trained professionals. Contact us now to get a FREE QUOTE!