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How to Properly Discard Hollywood Biomedical Waste?

A material or item that gets in contact with either animal or human waste, tissue or fluids is considered biomedical or biohazardous and is required to be disposed of according to the medical waste management laws and regulations of the state where the generator (most commonly a medical care facility like a hospital) operates.

The type of waste that is of particular concern for the bio-medical waste management of a health care facility, apart from human and animal waste that we already mentioned, are items that are designed to lacerate or puncture the skin, such as needles or scalpels. These are used in treating and diagnosing patients and can be contaminated with infected blood from patients. In addition to these, bags and vials holding blood, IV tubes and a large assortment of other items are also considered bio-medical waste and have to be dealt with as such.

Bio-Medical Waste Management Hollywood – Proper Disposal of Sharps

Sharps are, of course, a particular concern. Due to their ability to cause physical injury and together with this bring infection to the unwary, these instruments are not to be disposed in a waste bag together with other types of medical refuse. Instead, needles and such have to be placed in a designated sharps container right after their use. These containers have to be made of a material that doesn’t leak and can’t be pierced by the items it holds. In addition, sharp waste containers also need to have a locking mechanism so that they don’t open by themselves during transport or when they are loaded or unloaded to and from vehicles. Obviously, cardboard boxes are not suitable for holding sharps waste. If you don’t have suitable sharps containers, contact a licensed medical waste management company in your area and purchase a container from them.

Bio-Medical Waste Management Hollywood – Proper Disposal of Liquids (Blood and Body Fluids)

Of course, sharps are not the only type of bio-medical waste that needs to be properly disposed of. Fluids are also one of them. These need to be poured into a container that can be closed tightly and doesn’t leak no matter on which side you flip it. If you don’t have one of these containers in your facility, you can always contact a local medical waste management Hollywood company and buy some from them. Once you have filled (never overfilled) the container with bio-medical liquid, you need to place it inside another container and call the bio-medical waste management company to pick it up and drive to their landfill or you can do this yourself. Once it gets to its destination, the bio-medical waste will most likely be incinerated.

Disposal is Not Always the Solution

Items such as medical tools that have been contaminated by infected blood or body fluids, don’t necessarily have to be disposed of and destroyed. Using a proper sanitizing method, like an autoclave machine, these items can be cleaned of any dangerous microorganisms and put back to use or recycled. This is obviously a much more financially prudent method of medical waste management Hollywood, then simply dumping or destroying the waste.